
York Knavesmire Harriers is a friendly club with the minimum of formality, but in order to ensure that we are able to offer good support to our members we elect a committee to run the club for the next year at each Annual General Meeting, held in March. The current committee and their responsibilities is listed below, with contact details where appropriate. We hold regular committee meetings and their dates will be listed here as soon as they are arranged, together with the dates that the agendas are finalised for the meetings so that you know when to let the minutes secretary, know if there are any issues you want the committee to consider.

Open Club Meetings

Very important for the club are our open club meetings and we encourage all members who can to attend these. At the open club meetings we discuss any issues that have come up. The committee will ask for views and decisions at these meetings on issues that relate to the development of the club. They are also a good opportunity to socialise with other members and where possible we try and arrange an interesting speaker on topics relating to running. Please do try and attend as participation at these meetings is what ensures that the views of members is able to influence the way in which the club is run and the directions it takes.