Racing Round Up – w.e 19th Jan’ – Hem completes the Winter Spine Race.

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—Spine Race.

Knavesmire’s Ultra Marathon running legend has completed the 268 mile Winter Spine Race, knocking almost 2 days off his time from his first attempt last year, some PB!
Hem was 20th with a time of 108 hours 46 minutes, just over 50% of participants did not complete the course and the race was won by Kim Collinson in under 83 hours.

Hem said via FB :

Second crack at Britain’s Most Brutal Race, and what a difference a year makes! This time, I managed to finish two days ahead than last year’s attempt. The biggest game-changer? No blisters! However, I suffered chafing in my back from my backpack, which I should’ve treated earlier at CP1.
The Spine truly lived up to its reputation with wild conditions this year. Waist-deep snow, black ice slips (luckily no injuries!), and relentless challenges made the early stages brutal. Thankfully, the weather improved as the race progressed. I had no sleep plans but 2 hours of sleep at every checkpoint (except Hebden) worked wonders. Still, I’ll never forget the surreal, sleep-deprived stretch from Greg’s Hut to Alston—I’m not even sure how I got there!
A huge thank you to the race organisers, the incredible volunteers, and my fellow participants for making this journey so unforgettable. To everyone who supported and encouraged me—thank you for being part of this journey.

The epic Winter adventure follows the Pennine Way from Edale near Sheffield all the way North To Kirk Yelthom near the Scottish Border in Northumberland.

Hem had to battle freezing temperatures, snow, ice and the quagmires created as these melted

Two days after this amazing feat of endurance Hem took it easy doing York parkrun.